Had a bike Accident?
Need Assistance?
If you're not sure of your legal obligations or need the use of a support vehicle all you need to do is contact

What we do
Motorcycle Accident Rehabilitation Initiative.
Our service is very unique and we are the only Non For Profit of our kind in the world at the moment.
We specialise in assisting Motorcycle Riders and their Families after being involved in an accident and our service is FREE.
We are all for helping Riders & Passengers of Motorcycles getting extra care after an accident or illness that takes them through the doors of any Hospital's Emergency Department or Medical Centre across Australia. Since 2016 we have expanded the service to assisting car drivers as many of us Drive as well as Ride.
We have a team of dedicated volunteers. Please visit our Team page for more information
Raising funds throughout Australia to aid M.A.R.I and the work of the DR Wings Bike Force.
Keep your eyes open for one of our vehicles on the road when out riding.
Tell your friends about us, we can not help unless we get told that you are in need after being in an accident or ill and in hospital or under a doctor's care.
" Riders Helping Riders beyond Medicine "
Where we are
The "M.A.R.I / DR Wings Bike Force" head office is based on the Central Coast an hour north of Sydney.
The Initiative was formed from members of the M.A.R.I team based at the time in St Vincent's Hospital Darlinghurst Sydney.
Who we are
The team consists of members from the Sydney Motorcycle Club, BMW Touring Club of NSW as well as Members of the Ulysses Club, Central Coast Vintage Motorcycle Club & lastly the Committee For Safer Motorcycle Routes in the Hunter.
Why we care
Some of the team have been involved first hand with motorcycle accidents. It makes it easier to assist people if you have been there yourself.
Other stuff we do
What's next?
In August 2022 starting on the 1st till the 31st 5 members of the M.A.R.I team will be riding their Motorcycles though a small part of NSW and a large portion of Queensland. About 7.500K's in total.
During this time on the road they will be delivering up to date information on what we do to assist riders and the carers in Hospitals. This is usually done via contact with Social workers or Rehabilitation team members.
Due to Covid restrictions and a lot of bad weather for the past 3 years this trip has not been possible. There is still a risk to our own health but riders need to know they can count on us when they need our help.
The team of 5 will be talking to fellow riders and other travelers along the way to make even more people aware of our service.
The map below shows how large the area is we will be covering during this time.
The route:
Leaving the Central Coast for Gunedah, Moree, St George, Roma, Longreach, Cloncurry, Normanton, Mt Surprise, Townsville, Mckay, Rochhampton, Gladstone, Harvey Bay, Kingaroy, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Balina, Coffs Harbour, Nambucca Heads, Port Macquarie, Taree, then home.
The Team

Professor Steven Faux:
Rehabilitation and Pain Physician
Conjoint Professor, St Vincent’s Clinical School, University of New South Wales
Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine
University of Notre Dame University, Darlinghurst, Sydney
Director – St Vincent’s Hospitals Department of Pain Medicine
St Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst

Timothy Small
Timothy Small:
Orthopaedic Surgeon at St Vincent's Hospital Darlinghurst. An Excellent Doctor and supporter of the M.A.R.I team. Supporting us since 2015

George and Charis Swartz
George & Charis.
Pictured with DU their trusted BMW Motorcycle at the Centre of NSW located in Tottenham NSW. Marked by the stone cairn. Located 42 kilometers from the centre of town.
George was a long time member of the BMW Touring Club NSW till his passing in June 2021. In 2007 he asked the club to assist him with holding a yearly rally in Tottenham to raise funds to be used to assist injured riders. So they have been hosting the FCR Far Cairn Rally Since 2007

Ken Lovegrove
Ken Lovegrove:
CEO of M.A.R.I Australia Inc Since 2014. Supporting the initiative since 2008.
Lives on the Central Coast of NSW near The Entrance.
Has been a rider for more than 50 years and has supported many charities over this period.
But the MARI initiative has been my focus for more than 10 years now. My personal goal is to get support for all Motorcyclists in every hospital in Australia. I have been asked by riders in other countries to get something happening there for them. My answer is give me a call and we can get the ball rolling for them too.

Glenda Lovegrove
Glenda Lovegrove.
National Secretary for M.A.R.I Australia Inc Since 2014.
Supporting the initiative since 2008.
Lives on the Central Coast of NSW near The Entrance.
Has been a rider for more than 40 years and has supported many charities over this period.
But the MARI initiative has been my focus for more than 10 years now. My personal goal is to support my husband and the team anyway I can. I am a mum of two girls that ride and a grandmother to two special young girls and have a great son-in-law. Yes, he rides too!

Greg Burke
Greg Burke: National Spokesperson for M.A.R.I Australia Inc
Since 2016
Supporting the initiative since 2008
Lives on the Central Coast of NSW near Gosford
Has been a rider for more than 50 years.
Has supported many worthwhile causes
He is a passionate rider that has ridden most of Australia and parts of Europe too
His family consists of his wife, two boys and a daughter they all ride to.

Peter Cusack
Peter Cusack:
Sydney Metro Co-ordinator
An original member of the MARI committee along with Ken & Glenda
Based on the outskirts of Sydney near Hornsby
Losing a leg riding many years ago has not stopped him from assisting others and riding his bikes.
Peter (POGO) to his friends has helped so many riders over the years deal with their own stuff.
He continues to be a driving force for MARI in the NSW and Sydney region.
He has been a long time side car rider but now prefers Can-Am Spyders these days.

Sharine Milne
Sharine Milne:
North Queensland Coordinator for MARI
Since 2016
Promotions, Fund Raising rider assistance specialist.
Based in Townsville Queensland Australia
This lady has so many awards for being an exceptional person and business woman.
Along with her partner in life Mick, help riders from MT Isa to the Coast to the tip of Cape York to Bundaberg.
Runs her own Motorcycle repair business for more than 10 years now and is a fully qualified Motorcycle Mechanic and licenced repairer.

Rod Clifford
Rod Clifford:
Central Queensland Coordinator for MARI since 2016
Based in Monto South East Queensland Australia
His first riding experience was when he was about 16. It was on his brothers Z400 Kawasaki. He only rode it a few times up and down the street where they lived to get hooked.
He bought his first bike 6 months later, it was a Z1000 Kawasaki. Since then he has owned many different types and models along the way. As most people do he stopped riding to settle down and have children. It was not until he was 36 that he took it back up again.
I got involved with MARI after listening to Ken give a seminar on what MARI does to help riders on the Sunshine Coast Queensland back in 2015. Later in 2016 I got involved in my local area of Nambour. Not long after I became the South Queensland area representative along with my wife Deb.

John Smith
John Smith:
National Support Team & Promotions for MARI since 2015
Based on the Central Coast of NSW on Lake Macquarie
He is situated 1 hour North of Sydney and about the same from Newcastle.
John is just a few kilometers from the start of some of the best Motorcycling and Car driving roads on the East Coast.
He is a passionate Motorcyclist and vintage Car club member and a valued supporter of the MARI Initiative.

Tim McCann
Tim McCann: Western NSW Representative for M.A.R.I since 2018. A supporter of the Initiative since 2008.
He is a passionate rider with a lot of experience in the city as well as on country roads. Along with his wife Coral they have been riding for more than 35 years now.
He is an Ex-President of Sydney Motorcycle Club.
He is a proud dad and Grandfather. He continues to help fellow riders when called upon to do so.
More about us
At St Vincent's Hospital the staff have been driven by Associate /Professor Dr Steven Faux – Rehabilitation Medicine. Dr Faux has spent many years gathering and checking information about Motorcycle accident victims. This enables him to put together a quick response towards a rider or passengers speedy recovery.
What they say

Rikki Timmins
on her Husband Steve
These are the words I say to my hubby Steve every time he gets on his bike to go for a ride. Always, he says. I say, it’s not you I’m worried about, it’s the idiots that are on the road nowadays.